In the autumn, I was given an old wasps' nest from Denso Wildlife Reserve by my entomologist friends,
Harry Whiteley and Steve Warrillow. Larvae of the Bee Moth (Aphomia sociella) are feeding on the remnants of the comb.

The first of my newly-purchased plants is in flower. In Yorkshire, Lungwort (Pulmonaria officinalis) is a widespread but infrequent escape from gardens occurring in hedgerows and on road verges. I am growing both Lungwort and Common Comfrey
(Symphytum officinialis) in the hope of finding the rare leaf-mining moth Dialectica imperialella.

Oh, to be in England
Now that April's there,
And whoever wakes in England
Sees, some morning, unaware,
That the lowest boughs and the brushwood sheaf
Round the elm-tree bole are in tiny leaf,
While the chaffinch sings on the orchard bough
In England - now!
Robert Browning
Not a moth i know, Derek. But your Lungwort might pull in Hairy-footed Bees.