Saturday, 25 February 2012

White Satin Moth stowaways

This little feller is an over-wintering caterpillar of the White Satin Moth (Leucoma salicis). I found a couple of these amongst a batch of braconid parasitoid pupal cases collected from the poplar trees in Queen's Gardens, Hull. I have never seen the adult of this species even though it seems to be expanding its range across the county.

I am grateful to Dean's Daily Diary for alerting me to the fact that Colt's-foot (Tussilago farfara)is beginning to flower.
This was one of several found at Timble Ings yesterday. I had a quick look for the feeding signs of Triangle Plume larvae but these are probably still in hibernation.

Saturday, 18 February 2012

Dotted Border

My second moth of the year is a bit of a cheat, it being this Dotted Border (Agriopis marginaria) that has emerged from a caterpillar collected last year at Ben Rhydding Gravel Pits.

My first moth was (appropriately enough) an Early Moth (Theria primaria) attracted to the lighted window of Hollins Hall Hotel on 23rd January 2012.